Kenosha Tae Kwon Do Club

'Teaching Tae Kwon Do

for over 20 years'

Home Instructors Locations Promotion Testing 2011 Tri-State TKD Championships


Kenosha Tae Kwon Do Club, Inc.

(262) 657-8397
2221 63rd Street
Kenosha, WI 53143

Welcome to the Kenosha Tae Kwon Do Club web-site. There is more to Martial Arts than just kicking and punching. At Kenosha Tae Kwon Do Club students from 5 to 75 are MOTIVATED to have FUN while they LEARN techniques of SELF DEFENSE, and WHAT to do to AVOID confrontations!

Under the skillful instructions of Master Dennis Nelson, students are trained both physically and mentally. With some 38 years of experience in the Martial Arts, the instructors emphasize...







The students work hard to learn the history, terminology and culture of the art form: as it is important that each belt be EARNED. It must be an honor! Classes are tailored to individual needs and abilities for all ages. The training received will help you or a loved one throughout life and will carry over to the workplace or school.

Why not stop by and be a part of a life long experience.

Why Study at Kenosha Tae Kwon Do Club

  • All our instructors are certified through Kukkiwon, the World Tae Kwon Do Federation Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea.

  • 2,600 Square Foot Facility
  • We are a multi-dimensional Martial Arts school offering Tae Kwon Do, Hapkido, Men's and Women's Self Defense, and Cardio Kick Boxing, and Yoga.
  • College Student Discounts
  • Summer Camps
  • Demo Teams
  • Month to month programs with no mandatory long term contracts
  • Tournament Teams
  • On-site Testing
  • Teaching because we really care
  • Lowest price program in the area
  • Only Certified Black Belt Instructors and Master Dennis Nelson teach classes!
  • Skills that students will carry with them for a lifetime
Tri-State TKD Championships Olympic Tae Kwon Do Martial Arts Equipment

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